head> Happy Hayes Family: April 2009

Happy Hayes Family

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Classical Conversations Recitation and Awards Night

On March 31, 2009, Steven and Ryan participated in their Classical Conversations Recitation and Awards Night.

Mrs. Brown gave Ryan the "On the Money" award for being able to answer questions in class. Steven received the "Math Whiz" award from Mrs. Boeke for having a reputation with math timed tests. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Boeke came up with very catchy and appropriate awards for each of their students.

Essentials (Grammar and Writing):
Steven got a "Three Musketeers Bar" as an award from his Essentials B Tutor, Mrs. Metras. She tutored the older three students, so the three musketeers label fit the bill. Ryan received the "Constantly a Math Game Enthusiast: Vehemently Opposed to Skipping Math Game Time" award from his Essentials A tutor. His tutor tried to be creative and use "a lot" of vocabulary words in the awards she gave to her eight students.

Steven, along with each of his Foundations classmates, shared his Week 24 presentation with the audience. The topic of each of the presentations was the students' favorite part of Classical Conversations. It was a really fun night and a great way to end our CC year.

As you can see, the kids really bonded and formed solid friendships. Not to mention that a few of them are quite the hams!

Just a hint: If you click on the photo collage, you can see it bigger. I had someone point out that the pictures seem kind of small, so I wanted you all to know that you can make them bigger to view the photos in greater detail.

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posted by Robin Hayes, 10:21 PM | link | 2 comments |

Classical Conversations and Memory Masters

1 - Ryan drilling on Latin vocabulary
2 - Steven showing off a double C for Classical Conversations - more drilling. We spent a little over two weeks after our last CC class day putting the finishing touches on all 24 weeks of memory work. What a relief when we got to the proofing day.
3 - Steven with his tutor, Mrs. Metras, who is also the director of our CC program. At this point, he had passed the Memory Master Proof for me and for one other parent in the program. This was his last year in the foundations program, and thus his last chance to try for MM. This picture is the "before" shot.
4 - This is the "after" shot. He made it! Steven is a Memory Master!
5 - Drilling, drilling, drilling! Ryan didn't quite make it this year, but he has three more years to try.

Steven and Ryan both worked very hard this year. We are so proud of them both!

Just a hint: If you click on the photo collage, you can see it bigger. I had someone point out that the pictures seem kind of small, so I wanted you all to know that you can make them bigger to view the photos in greater detail.

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posted by Robin Hayes, 9:45 PM | link | 1 comments |


Congratulations to my cousins, Kelly (left) and Clara (right), for getting their braces off on Monday. They look fabulous!
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posted by Robin Hayes, 9:25 PM | link | 1 comments |