head> Happy Hayes Family: Saying "Good-Bye"

Happy Hayes Family

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saying "Good-Bye"

Rather than gathering up ALL the cousins present,
we grabbed the departing college students, the
twins who are now the oldest in the house again,
Chris and I, and took a "good-bye" shot.

Joel, Clara, Nancy, Robin Joyce, Sarah, Kelly, Chris

And then did our best to be silly!

Thankfully, we were able to all get together last night for a big dinner at the Fosters' house. Sarah just arrived home this week from her summer job. It worked out to be able to get together with them last night to spend a little time before they left (at 1:15 this morning) for the long drive to South Carolina. I got word a little while ago that they had arrived safe and sound at their destination.

posted by Robin Hayes, 10:01 PM


I love the photos! I see you all at church so much, I forget you're actually related! It looks like you had a fun and goofy time. :-)
commented by Blogger Ann-Marie, 10:25 AM  
If it wasn't for some very persuasive Foster kids, we would never get Chris in the picture. He's not much for picture taking sessions - he'd much rather be behind the camera than in front of it. But we made a lot of noise, and got him to join us. :-)
commented by Blogger Robin Hayes, 9:52 PM  

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