head> Happy Hayes Family: Fabulous Night of Food, Fellowship, and Beading

Happy Hayes Family

Monday, August 04, 2008

Fabulous Night of Food, Fellowship, and Beading

My friend, Heidi, and I planned a beading night, which took place this last Friday night. The evening started off with dinner, and ended with (almost) everyone going home with a completed project. In between, the evening was filled with laughter and fellowship. It was a sweet time.

I started making jewelry a number of years ago, and have recently become a lot more interested in the hobby. I've been learning new techniques and hopefully am becoming better at my craft. I've been able to sit down with several ladies and teach them how to make their own jewelry, and have learned a lot from them as well. We tend to inspire each other with ideas. Recently, other ladies have expressed an interest in learning: hence the inspiration to have a beading night.

We had 14 ladies here, including myself. Thank you to the husbands who stayed home with the kiddos, and to Chris who had to take our kiddos for a night out with Dad. I'm so glad all of you could arrange your schedules to come. I had a fabulous time, and hope you all did too.

I only took one picture all night long - how horrible is that??? I captured a couple yesterday at church, so I've included those as well.

Completed bracelets - the only photo actually taken that evening.

Sherrie's bracelet

and matching earrings

Ann-Marie actually made this prior to the party - at the party, she made a present for her mom. However, she did buy the beads during one of our Hobby Lobby field trips.

I worked a little bit after everyone went home Friday night, and I spent most of Saturday making jewelry. I can't post pictures of most of what I worked on, because it's a birthday present for someone who is one of my blog readers. This is a bracelet I've been wanting to make for a long time, and was finally able to do it. I've been collecting the materials for it, for at least a couple of months. I saw a picture in a magazine and did my best to copy it. I was afraid that I wouldn't like how it would turn out - sometimes the anticipation of something is far better than the actual manifestation, but I was happy with how it turned out. Shew!
posted by Robin Hayes, 6:31 AM


How fun! I hadn't realized it was so many people! YAY!

And your bracelet turned out GORGEOUS!
commented by Blogger Valerie, 9:15 AM  
It is WE who are grateful to YOU, Robin, for opening your home and being such a wonderful hostess. My friend and I had such wonderful time, and the sistership was so refreshing. The food, itself, was amazing. I, for one, especially enjoyed the chocolate mousse. ;-)

Thanks, Robin! We had a GREAT time!
commented by Blogger Ann-Marie, 9:20 AM  
Maybe you could ask for the recipe for the chocolate mousse. :-)

I'm so glad that you had a great time. I did too, and I was so excited planning it.
commented by Blogger Robin Hayes, 10:25 AM  
I love the bracelet you made. It is beautiful! I can't wait to see it this weekend! I would love to be part of a class you teach!
commented by Blogger Kathy, 10:11 PM  

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