head> Happy Hayes Family: Ryan's Eighth Birthday Party

Happy Hayes Family

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Ryan's Eighth Birthday Party

We were able to have Ryan's 8th birthday party tonight. We were supposed to have Ryan's party last Saturday, but Andrew came home from school that Friday with pinkeye. So we called everyone and rescheduled it for tonight. The party guests included More Grandpa, More Grandma, Grandpa Bill, Grandma Nancy, Grandma Deb, Uncle Derek, Auntie Lisa, TJ, Jillian, Mr. Wilbur, and Mrs. Linda. We missed you Grandpa Mike! Thank you for all the nice presents and cards!

It was kind of neat that Ryan celebrated his birthday on his cousin William's actual birthday. Happy Birthday, William!

The Big 8-Year-Old With His Chocolate Cake
with Chocolate Frosting

Singing "Happy Birthday" - Ryan couldn't
plug his ears for this rendition.

Fun Presents! (Uncle Derek in the background)

Putting Together His New "Mars Mission" Legos Set

Checking out one of the new DS games

Too much excitement for Andrew!
posted by Robin Hayes, 7:22 PM


Nice post, Robin!
Happy Birthday, Ryan! Looks like you had a nice party.
commented by Blogger Katie, 5:02 PM  
Birthday parties and new toys. So much fun. Happy Birthday.
commented by Blogger Heidi, 2:30 PM  
Happy birthday, Ryan! What cute blondies, you have, Robin! I like how the brothers are playing together!
commented by Blogger Ann-Marie, 11:45 AM  

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