head> Happy Hayes Family: Andrew's First Day Of School

Happy Hayes Family

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Andrew's First Day Of School

Cheesy Boy!

Silly Boy!

Not so sure...

Finally, the bus is here!

Big Boy!

Well - it's official - Andrew got on the school bus around 12:45pm today. And I didn't even cry! The bus was about 45 minutes late, so I had other stress competing with the emotional stuff. Did we miss it? Did Shelly skip his stop, since the older boys aren't riding the bus this year? Am I going to have to take him to school today? A phone call to the bus garage, and then later to the office...and then there it was. Andrew was acting like he wasn't going to get on the bus, until it came around the block, and then he was ready. He was a little confused that I wasn't going to ride the bus too, but he didn't cry - at least while I was looking on!

He has been obsessed with penguins lately. We saw penguins at the zoo in Omaha, and there is a Wonder Pets episode that has penguins in it. He keeps saying that he wants to go see penguins. While we were waiting for the bus to come, he wanted to talk to Dad, so we called Chris. “I go on the bus. I see penguins. Bye, Dad!”
posted by Robin Hayes, 12:15 PM


What a big boy!! I can only hope that Delilah's first day of school goes so smooth, and that i don't cry.....
commented by Blogger Natural Mystic Mama, 12:55 PM  
Andrew, what a cool backpack!
You were a BIG boy today!
Love, Aunt M
commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 1:28 PM  
Bless your heart, Robin.
commented by Blogger Heidi, 2:03 PM  
Oh, my! How crazy. But, yes, what a big boy! And what a brave mommy!
commented by Blogger Valerie, 3:28 PM  
Oh I know those days. I was so convinced that Matthew would get off the bus & get lost, even though the school was the 1st thing you see when he would get off the bus. I took him to school everyday for 2 weeks. I only stopped when Matthew asked me "Why can't I ride the bus like the other guys" That was the last time I took him to school....The things Andrew says are sooo funny, Tell him he looks why too cool with that groovy back pack! LOL Love you Auntie Neci everytime I try to post things on your blog I screw something up $/or forget my password. So will you post this on your blog for me????
commented by Blogger Robin Hayes, 3:34 PM  
Wow, ANDREW is a Big Boy! Did he see penguins? Praying the bus transfers are smooth! Praying for Mama, too!
commented by Anonymous Anonymous, 4:16 PM  
Nope - no penguins yesterday! ;)
commented by Blogger Robin Hayes, 6:30 AM  

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